Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2013

Too late

Sorry, this post is a little late.
Over the weekend we visited the Durien garden of my family and stayed there for the night. the area is nice - Chantaburi, only the weather was a bit wet.
Thursday, Cake, her friends and me met in front of school and then went to Grand Palace (Pictures on fb). After we went into a mall and did some karaoke. It is pretty fun to sing songs that are completely in Thai and all you do is try to sing the text at least a little bit correct. It was very funny.
After I we went outside and on the stairs two guys came our way and they were talking German. So I said: "Hey, Deutsche!" Holding my hand up for a clap. The guy was totally confused. "Hallo!?" Then he saw my hand clapped and I went down the stairs to my friends. I think this guy had a weird day :) .
Last week were midterm exams. That means only three days of school. Two on which you write all the exams and Friday when we visited the temple and brought the candle we made last Friday. I only took three exams. Maths: failed but only 3 points and I'd have passed. so next time I'll study a bit more and everything is fine. English Reading and Comparing: I have 17 or 18 out of 20 points. So that is really good. And last English Literature: I don't know how many points. I only did the second part because I didn't know there would be a first part. So I failed definitely, but I had only been here for a week. So no one really cares.
This weekend there's is nothing much gonna happen. I think. I never know. See you all soon I hope - on skype or something. :) 

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